When it comes to putting a tasty primal meal together, you can get really creative with this delicious game mix. In fact it’s so good it’s won an award. FoodNW Heart Awards judged it excellent – and we’re not arguing. With it’s mix of four different meats, three of which come from the wild and one as close as can be, this is one hearty paleo treat.
In each 500g bag of diced game mix there is a selection of several meats, outlined below, depending on season and availability – It is always delicious.

Meat Inclusions:
Venison: The venison is sourced directly from sustainably managed estates in Cumbria and Lancashire. The deer range free on large areas of diverse land and forage naturally. This is of benefit to the ecology of the environment and the benefit of us when the meat come our way. It is as close to paleo as you can get without a spear and a loincloth!
Pheasant: A staple of many an estate and part of the economy of that keeps the estates alive. Pheasant is rich and gamey, full of flavour and in a stew, just perfect. We can’t guarantee that the birds that come from the estates are grain free, but these pheasant live free and wild and add to the ecology of the area.
Rabbit: Wild rabbit. Let’s face it, there’s plenty of it around, especially in the north west of England. Relatively overlooked in the UK as a food source these days, rabbit is more commonly viewed as a pest. Which is a shame, because when cooked well, rabbit is just so, so tasty. And it’s never better than when in a stew.
Turkey: From the primal point of view this is the odd man out, as the turkey is farmed, not wild. However, this mix is so good, we’re inclined to turn a blind eye just this once. In its defense, the turkey is free range and comes from a farm where animal welfare is a priority.
When you think of a wild game mix, the first thought has to be game pie. If you’re on a strict paleo diet, pastry is a bit of a problem, but these pastry recipes will see you right. As for the game mix itself, get plenty of root vegetable in the pot then simmer it in this wonderful bone broth. The end result would have your Paleo ancestors positively green with envy!
You need to know…
Wild Game has many benefits but we feel it’s important to let you know that our game, like most, is shot with lead.
This product is suitable for:
About Primal Meats
We aim to offer you nutrient dense meat from Farms who rear their animals to very high standards of welfare and manage their land in harmony with nature.
Our meats are perfect for those following diets based on ancestral wisdom as they are as close as possible to meats from the wild.
The beef, lamb, mutton and hogget are 100% grass fed and carry the “Pasture for life” logo, providing reassurance of nutrient quality and traceability amongst a world of misleading “grass fed meat” products. We offer certified organic or free-range chicken and our pork is free range, pasture reared (not just outdoor bred) and sourced from the highest quality farms we can find. Our wild game comes from estates across Scotland, the North of England and the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.

Caroline is a ‘Certified Primal Blueprint Expert’ and we generally advocate an ancestral health approach to diet and wellness. However, we can’t personally offer professional advice directly. All comments regarding health are based on a picture built up over years of researching scientific literature and working with leading experts in the field of nutrition. As a reference for these comments, we have compiled a pinterest board with a range of research and informative articles.
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View our full Wild Game department here.
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